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Safety in construction

Construction Site Inspections

Iron works- building the frame

Safety on site for iron workers.  Boom lift safety, fall protection requirements, welding safety, PPE compliance issues.


Excavations, cement footings prep

Fall protection safety, rebar, Trenching and Excavation regulation compliance.


Residential Construction, Excavation phase

5 building on 5 acres.  Trenching nearby road to access utilities.  Handling an OSHA inspection.


Ti Cold Development- Sparks, NV

This is 255,000 s.f. Cold storage construction April 2022 to October 2023.  SCi Safety performed weekly site inspections for the entire project.

framing iron

Cement pours

Cement projects:  Site prep work, forming, rebar, PPE, heavy equipment safety, scaffolding.

cement pour

Residential Construction, ground works and sewer connection, excavations.

Heavy equipment utilization for ground works, excavations, sewer pipe and future foundation sites for buildings.

heavy equipment

Safety Consultant provides Construction site inspections.  Experienced with weekly inspections 18- 24 month projects.

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